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Side Hustle Queen here!
My name is Karla and I am a "serial side hustler"...(this is where you say "Welcome Karla", HA!).
Anyway, I have been side-hustling for quite some time.....I simply have never been content with making money only from a regular 9 to 5 job. However, it was not until several years ago that I decided that I was going to find a way to achieve my life's goal of time freedom using my skills and passion for hustling!
"Time Freedom?" you say with wrinkles in your brow. YES, TIME FREEDOM! Time freedom is having the time to move deliberately through the world. It means not stressing out and running around like a headless chicken on steroids.
Having freedom of time lets you slow down and relax, and let you appreciate life, your environment, people around you and the world in a much deeper way *(and yes, I stole this from the website below, HEE)! Well once the decision was made, the analyst in me weighed out what it would take to achieve my dream and guess what? It takes MONEY! Luckily, the internet can help generate money without being chained to another full-time job...in other words, SIDE HUSTLE TIME!
Technology has made it possible to hustle from anywhere, anytime, anyhow you choose. The days of the paper route for extra cash are long gone. On this website, I will be sharing with you many ways that you can get your "hustle on" without having to trade huge amounts of time for money. Many believe that the word HUSTLE is either a negative word, meaning someone is scamming someone, OR HUSTLE means work fast and hard. Well, I am here to change the narrative for the word HUSTLE….going forward HUSTLE will mean having the courage*, confidence*, self-belief, and self-determination to go out there and work it out* until you find the opportunities you want in life. It will also mean to work SMARTER, not HARDER.
(*Urban Dictionary Definitions)
Well after looking at all my options of ways to make money, I came up with a plan to use my skills and experience with side hustles to work from home and make money online. By doing this, I am able to start funding my "7 streams", retire early and ultimately reach my goal of TIME FREEDOM.... and I also decided that while I go after my dream, I would share with others what I learn along the way so if they ever decide that they want to do the same, they can become a Side Hustler too!
By the way, you may be wondering what all this talk about streams, and specifically “7 streams", is all about. Well just know this, the average millionaire has seven streams of income. So, I ask what are your seven streams because I believe that everyone can become a millionaire if they have the desire to do so. You just have to make up your mind that you are going to do it!
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This step-by-step guide covers all the important aspects of having a side hustle. Find out how to start a successful side hustle or make your current one even better!